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25 Ideas For Calming Big Emotions​
Taking 6-8 Deep breaths.
Color in a coloring book
Go for a walk or Run
Listen to calming music
Read a book
Play with Legos
Put a jigsaw puzzle together
Squeeze a stress ball
Make your own stress ball using balloon and flour
Bake cookies
Draw a picture
Play a game
Kick a ball
Play with Play Doh, slime or Silly Putty
Create a scavenger hunt list and go hunting for them.
Blow Bubbles
Stretch your body
Blow into a balloon
Make your own binoculars using paper tubes and go bird watching
Listen to upbeat music and Dance
Use a fidget
Download free calming app and practice mindful meditations
Rip newspapers or old magazines
Stomp on empty egg cartons
Calming Videos
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